Friday 17 April 2009

Stuck in the middle.

As I'm sat writing this, I have a headache due to last nights beer drinking and Mythbusters on in the background, so forgive me in advance for mistakes in my speeling, grammer' and humour.


A short trip to the Nations capital saw more museum visits than one can shake a museum stick at.
Among my favourites were the Holocaust Museum (for those who argue it never happened, I suggest places for you to stick said museum stick) and the childish and nerdy Air and Space Museum.

The Lincoln Memorial, White House and Capitol Hill were all still there serving their main purposes as tourist attractions.

DC is probably the cleanest city I have ever seen and for this reason, it lacks character and soul. I'd like to think if I ever returned, it would be for my presidential inauguration. You'd all be invited of course!

I'd like to take this opportunity (see, practicing my speech skills already!) to thank Jen for letting us stay at her home, which incidentally, is an amazing place (remote control fire place...yes please!)

A selection from the museums...

Coney Island, NY

We returned to New York for a few days as we still had a few things we'd like to do. Among a few of mine was a visit to Coney Island and Brighton Beach.How can this place possibly exist in NY city!? (Jo and Roisin: See what you missed!)
And how could I forget Nathans, home of the world famous hotdog eating competition. WHAT?!

Ofcourse, I don't feel any trip to NY is complete without a visit to FAO Schwartz which houses the infmaous 'floor piano' featured from the film 'Big'. Although we did learn it was not the atcual piano as this was bought by a someone for their 'private collection'. This piano has however, seen the feet of John Travolta, J-Lo, Tom Cruise and other people who aren't Tom Hanks.
Yes I played chopsticks, yes we kicked of some little kids to get our turn and yes, it is normal that you secretly want a go!

On the next episode....
We see the start of where it all went 'wrong' for America. Boston, the home of the American Revolution and yet further disgusting tea.

Stay Tuned.


  1. Dude, had to wait WAY too long for this! What happened? Mac troubles?

    Awesome. So jealous. Just finished work at 9pm...not helping the jealousy! Spending a well-earned Friday night in, about to watch an episode of MythBusters, probably the one you saw last night! :-)


  2. And we had a night at the Ponthir House!!!! bet you're jealous??? Love You x
